exSEEK is an integrated computational framework to discover and evaluate exRNA biomarkers for liquid biopsy.

Pipeline of Tutorial

The exSEEK framework consists of:

Table of Contents:


For easy installation, you can use the exSEEK image of docker with all dependencies installed:

docker pull ltbyshi/exseek

All required software and packages are already installed in docker, so there are no more requirements. To test the installation and get information about the command-line interface of exSEEK, you can execute:

docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/workspace -w /workspace ltbyshi/exseek exseek.py -h

The -v flag mounts the current working directory $PWD into the /workspace in docker image, so you can easily check the output files in /workspace directory after exiting docker.

You can create a bash script named exseek and set the script executable:

#! /bin/bash
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/workspace -w /workspace ltbyshi/exseek exseek.py "$@"

After adding the file to one of the directories in the $PATH variable, you can simply run: exseek.

A helper message is shown:

usage: exseek.py [-h] --dataset DATASET [--config-dir CONFIG_DIR] [--cluster]
                 [--cluster-config CLUSTER_CONFIG]
                 [--cluster-command CLUSTER_COMMAND] [--singularity]  

exseek main program

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                                    show this help message and exit
  --dataset DATASET, -d DATASET                 dataset name
  --config-dir CONFIG_DIR, -c CONFIG_DIR        directory for configuration files
  --cluster                                     submit to cluster
  --cluster-config CLUSTER_CONFIG               cluster configuration file ({config_dir}/cluster.yaml by default)
  --cluster-command CLUSTER_COMMAND             command for submitting job to cluster (default read from
  --singularity                                 use singularity

The basic usage of exSEEK is:

exseek ${step_name} -d ${dataset}



You can use the provided example_data to run exSEEK:

cp /apps/example_data /workspace

The example_data folder has the following structure:

├── config
|   ├── example.yaml
|   ├── default_config.yaml
│   └── machine_learning.yaml

├── data
│   └── example
|       ├── fastq
│       ├── batch_info.txt
│       ├── compare_groups.yaml
│       ├── sample_classes.txt
│       └── sample_ids.txt
└── output
    └── example
        └── ...


Index preparing

exSEEK docker contains a variety of commonly used genomes and annotations. Besides of RNA types extracted from GENCODE V27, exSEEK can also analyze rRNA from NCBI refSeq 109, miRNA from miRBase, piRNA from piRNABank, circRNA from circBase, lncRNA and TUCP from mitranscriptome, repeats from UCSC Genome Browser (rmsk) and promoter and enhancer from ChromHMM tracks. You can download these .fa, .gtf and .bed files here and build index with these genomes and annotations.

For mapping small RNA-seq, the index of each transcript type can be built with bowtie2, and the index used for mapping long RNA-seq can be built with STAR. You can get these index by executing:

exseek build_index -d example

It might take hours to generate the index. It is recommended to specify the number of threads in config/example.yaml file by adding threads: N, or you can simply add -j N parameter in the exseek command. The output folder is genome/hg38/index/.

The detailed information for each transcript type is in genome/hg38/transcript_table/ directory. The summary for transcript types is listed below: | RNA type | Number of transcripts | | :— | :— | | rRNA | 37 | | mature_miRNA | 2656 | | miRNA | 1917 | | piRNA | 23410 | | snoRNA | 943 | | snRNA | 1900 | | srpRNA | 680 | | tRNA | 649 | | mRNA | 19836 | | lncRNA | 15778 | | TUCP | 3730 | | Y_RNA | 756 | | univec | 6093 | | spikein_long | 92 | | spikein_small | 52 |

Small RNA-seq mapping

Quality control (before adaptor removal)

You can check reads quality with FastQC by running:

exseek quality_control -d example


Remove adapter

exSEEK removes reads adaptor with cutadapt software. You can change the adaptor sequences in config/example.yaml file.

exseek cutadapt -d example


Quality control (after adapter removal)

exseek quality_control_clean -d example


Update sequential mapping order

exSEEK allows user-defined sequential mapping, which is particularly useful for small RNA-seq samples because short RNA reads are more likely to be mapped to multiple locations. The default mapping order is set as rna_types variable in config/default_config.yaml:

rna_types: [univec, rRNA, lncRNA, mature_miRNA, miRNA, mRNA, 
  piRNA, snoRNA, snRNA, srpRNA, tRNA, tucpRNA, Y_RNA]

You can change the mapping order based on the confidence of each RNA type in your samples by adding a rna_types variable in config/example.yaml. For example, you can add spike-in sequences as the first RNA type:

rna_types: [spikein_small, univec, rRNA, lncRNA, mature_miRNA, miRNA, 
  mRNA, piRNA, snoRNA, snRNA, srpRNA, tRNA, tucpRNA, Y_RNA]

Add new reference sequence

If a new RNA type is added, you should also add a sequence file in FASTA format: ${genome_dir}/fasta/${rna_type}.fa. Then build a FASTA index (${genome_dir}/fasta/${rna_type}.fa.fai):

samtools faidx ${genome_dir}/fasta/${rna_type}.fa

Then build a bowtie2 index (${genome_dir}/index/bowtie2/${rna_type}):

bowtie2-build ${genome_dir}/fasta/${rna_type}.fa ${genome_dir}/index/bowtie2/${rna_type}


exSEEK provides bowtie2 for mapping small RNA-seq. You can specify the paired_end parameter as false or true in config/example.yaml. It is recommended to specify the number of threads in config/example.yaml file by adding threads_mapping: N, or you can simply add -j N parameter in the exseek command. The other parameters for mapping can be found in config/default_config.yaml.

exseek mapping -d example


Peak calling

exSEEK provides local maximum-based peak calling methods for identifying recurring fragments (which are recurrently detected among samples,defined as domains) of long exRNAs (such as mRNA, srpRNA, and lncRNA). These called domains can be combined into the expression matrix and serve as potential biomarker candidates.

exseek bigwig -d example
exseek call_domains -d example


The recurrence.bed file looks like this: | Transcript ID | TransStart | TransEnd | X | Frequency | Strand | | :— | :— | :— | :— | :— | :— | | ENST00000365118.2 | 0 | 30 | X | 8 | + | | ENST00000365223.1 | 0 | 61 | X | 12 | + | | ENST00000365436.1 | 69 | 92 | X | 2 | + | | ENST00000366365.2 | 236 | 261 | X | 1 | + |

The domains.bed file looks like this: | Transcript ID | TransStart | TransEnd | filtered_merged Peak_ID | Weighted_ave_frequency | Strand | | :— | :— | :— | :— | :— | :— | | ENST00000006015.3 | 1506 | 1523 | peak_1 | 14.2353 | + | | ENST00000006015.3 | 1971 |1986 | peak_2 | 10 | + | | ENST00000008938.4 | 20 | 35 | peak_3 | 7 | + | | ENST00000025301.3 | 8580 | 8597 | peak_4 | 37.2353 | + | | ENST00000192788.5 | 2649 | 2665 | peak_5 | 72.5625 | + |

Long RNA-seq mapping

The methods for long RNA-seq mapping are very similar to Small RNA-seq mapping. You can use the above command lines for long RNA-seq by setting small_rna to False in file config/example.yaml. It is recommended to specify the number of threads in config/example.yaml file by adding threads_mapping: N, or you can simply add -j N parameter in the exseek command. There is no peak calling step for long RNA-seq datasets because recurring fragment (domain) is not a distinctive feature of extracellular long RNA-seq datasets.

Counting expression matrix

exSEEK use featureCounts for counting expression matrix.

exseek.py count_matrix -d example


Normalization and batch removal

exSEEK supports 5 normalization methods and 4 batch removal methods in config/example.yaml:

normalization_method: ["TMM", "RLE", "CPM", "CPM_top", "null"]
batch_removal_method: ["null", "ComBat", "limma", "RUV", "null"]
count_method: [transcript, transcript_mirna, long_fragments, mirna_and_long_fragments, featurecounts(for long RNA-seq)]
batch_index: 1

You can get the normalized expression matrix generated by any combinations of normalization and batch removal methods by executing:

exseek normalization -d example


You can choose the best combination methods based on the UCA score and then mKNN score, which is summarized in folder: output/example/select_preprocess_method/uca_score/ and output/example/select_preprocess_method/knn_score.

The UCA metric quantifies the separation of samples from different biological groups, while the mKNN metric measures the uniformity of the distribution of samples from different batches. For a perfectly corrected expression matrix, both the UCA score and the mKNN score approach 1.

The UCA score files look like this: | preprocess_method | uca_score | | :— | :— | | filter.null.Norm_CPM_top.Batch_limma_1 | 0.578 | | filter.null.Norm_CPM.Batch_limma_1 | 0.563 | | filter.null.Norm_CPM_top.Batch_ComBat_1 | 0.563 | | filter.null.Norm_CPM_top.Batch_RUV_1 | 0.564 |

And the mKNN score files look like this: | preprocess_method | knn_score | | :— | :— | | filter.null.Norm_CPM_top.Batch_limma_1 | 0.940 | | filter.null.Norm_CPM.Batch_limma_1 | 0.936 | | filter.null.Norm_CPM_top.Batch_ComBat_1 | 0.936 | | filter.null.Norm_CPM_top.Batch_RUV_1 | 0.927 |

Alternatively, you can simply get the best-performance combination method (the highest averaged UCA and mKNN score) listed in output/example/select_preprocess_method/combined_score/${count_method}/selected_methods.txt.

After deciding the most proper combination of normalization and batch removal methods, you can specify the exact normalization and batch removal method by adjusting normalization_method and batch_removal_method parameters in config/sample.yaml, and the generated matrix will be used for the next step.

Feature selection and biomarker evaluation

This step identifies and evaluates exRNA biomarker panels selected by various combinations of feature selection methods and machine learning classifiers.

exSEEK supported feature selection and classification methods:

selector: [DiffExp_TTest, RandomForest, LogRegL1, LogRegL2, SIS, ReliefF, SURF, MultiSURF]

classifier: [LogRegL2, RandomForest, RBFSVM, DecisionTree, MLP]

You can evaluate all combinations of feature selection and classification methods based on the cross-validation results by running:

exseek feature_selection -d example


Three summary files will be generated in this step:


You can choose the most proper combination and its identified features (biomarker panel) base on ROC_AUC and feature stability score summarized in the above three files.

The metrics.*.txt file looks like:

classifier n_features selector fold_change_direction compare_group filter_method imputation normalization batch_removal count_method preprocess_method split accuracy average_precision f1_score precision recall roc_auc
LogRegL2 5 MaxFeatures_RandomForest any Normal-HCC filter null Norm_RLE Batch_limma_1 mirna_and_domains_rna filter.null.Norm_RLE.Batch_limma_1 1 0.928 0.916 0.800 1.000 0.666 0.969
LogRegL2 5 DiffExp_TTest any Normal-HCC filter null Norm_RLE Batch_limma_1 mirna_and_domains_rna filter.null.Norm_RLE.Batch_limma_10 1 0.928 0.743 0.800 1.000 0.666 0.696

The feature_stability.txt file looks like:

classifier n_features selector fold_change_direction compare_group filter_method imputation normalization batch_removal count_method preprocess_method feature_stability
LogRegL2 5 DiffExp_TTest any Normal-HCC filter null Norm_RLE Batch_limma_1 mirna_and_domains_rna filter.null.Norm_RLE.Batch_limma_1 0.450
RBFSVM 5 DiffExp_TTest any Normal-stage_A filter null Norm_RLE Batch_limma_1 mirna_and_domains_rna filter.null.Norm_RLE.Batch_limma_1 0.473

Copyright (C) 2019 Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

This program is licensed with commercial restriction use license. Please see the LICENSE file for details.