SMART-total cfRNA-seq Data Analysis
1.1 Trim adaptor
cutadapt --pair-filter any -q 30,30 \
--trim-n -m 16 -o >(gzip -c > {output.fastq1}) -p >(gzip -c > {output.fastq2}) \
{input.fastq1} {input.fastq2} > {log} 2>&1
1.2 Trim GC oligo introduced in template switching
- For reverse stranded (first strand) libraries, set strandness to reverse, for forward stranded (second strand) libraries, set strandness to forward
- Take a look at
for strand information - Read pairs shorter than 30 nt are discarded
- Input should be compressed by gzip, named as
python bin/ -s {strandness} -o {output_preffix} -i {input_preffix} > {log} 2>&1
2.1 Reads alignment
- Sequentially align reads to spikeIn,UniVec,rRNA,hg38,and circRNA using the following command
- For spikeIn,UniVec,rRNA,and circRNA alignment, set seedPerWindowNmax to 20
- For hg38 alignment, set seedPerWindowNmax to 50
- Note unmapped reads of STAR 2.5.4a (also called STAR 2.5.3a_modified) may out of order in multi-thread alignment (, the latest version of STAR is recommended. Alternatively, unmapped fastq files should be repaired (using in bbmap suite for example) before downstream analysis, or the genome alignment rate could be extremely low.
STAR --genomeDir {sequenceIndex} \ --readFilesIn {input.reads1} {input.reads2} \ --runThreadN 4 \ --outFileNamePrefix {output_prefix} \ --outSAMtype BAM Unsorted \ --outReadsUnmapped Fastx \ --readFilesCommand gzip -d -c \ --outSAMmultNmax 1 \ --seedPerWindowNmax {seedPerWindowNmax}
2.2 Remove duplication in circRNA.bam and genome.bam with picard tools
java -jar {picardDir}/picard.jar \
MarkDuplicates REMOVE_DUPLICATES=true \
I={input.bam} \
O={output.bam} \
M={output.metrics} \
2.3 Get intron spanning reads from genome aligned reads
- If any mate in a read pair contains N in its CIGAR string, this fragment was considered as intron-spanning
bash bin/ {inbam} {outbam} > {log} 2>&1
3.1 Assign reads in genome bam file to certain genomic regions
- The priority of the assignment is defined in
- bed files corresponding to regions in
should be present in {beddir}, named as {region}.bed, in bed6 format# For forward stranded libraries, '-S' in bedtools coverage -counts -S -sorted -a - -b ${beddir}/${region}.bed should be replaced by '-s' bash bin/ {bam} {outdir} {beddir}
3.2 Quantify gene and circRNA expression
# Quantify gene expression
# For forward stranded libraries,strandness=1, for reverse stranded libraries, strandness=2
featureCounts -O -t exon -g gene_id -M -s {strandness} -p -a {gtf} -o {counts} {bam} > {log}
# Quantify circRNA expression
# Strandness: forward, reverse
bin/ count_circrna -s {strandness} --paired-end -i {inbam} -o {output}
4.1 Calculate PSI scores
## Running rMATs (rMATS.4.0.2/rMATS-turbo-Linux-UCS4)
python2 {rmats_path} --b1 {pos_bam_paths} --b2 {neg_bam_paths} --gtf {gtfFile} --od {outdir} -t paired --readLength 150
## Summarize rMATs results for {splicing_type} (one of MXE A3SS A5SS SE RI)
python3 bin/ --input {splicing_type}.MATS.JC.txt --outdir outdir --type {splicing_type} --method JC --pos pos_ids.txt --neg neg_ids.txt
4.2 Calculate PDUI scores
## Sort bam file by coordinate
samtools sort -o {bamUnsorted} {bamSorted}
samtools index {bamSorted}
## Calculate coverage, strand in +,-
bedtools genomecov -strand {strand} -split -ibam {bamSorted} \
| LC_COLLATE=C sort -T {temp_dir} -k1,1 -k2,2n > {bedgraph}
bedGraphToBigWig {bedgraph} {chrom_sizes} {bigwig}
## Merge Coverage of + strand and - strand
bigWigMerge {bigwigPosStrand} {bigwigNegStrand} {bedgraphMerged}
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n {bedgraphMerged} > {bedgraphMergedSorted}
bedGraphToBigWig {bedgraphMergedSorted} {chrom_sizes} {bigwigMerged}
bigWigToWig {bigwigMerged} {wigMerged}
## Run DaPar
{DaParsDir}/src/ {config}
## Summarize results
python bin/ -i {input} -c {config} -l {long} -s {short} -p {PDUI}
4.3 Calcualte RNA editing level by gene
## Identify recurrent RNA editing sites
## For each sample, run
{RNAEditorDir}/ -i {fastq_1} {fastq_2} -c {config}
# Calculate detection recurrency for each editing sites: bin/
# Filter intergenic editing sites: bin/
## Calculate coverage for each sample at recurrently edited sites, include samples which no editing events were reported by RNAEditor
samtools mpileup -l editing-sites-pos-list.txt -o ${output} --reference ${ref} ${bam}
# Parse pileup result (get reads number support editing/support not editing)
python bin/ -i {pileup} -o {coverage}
# Summarize the coverage by genomic positions: bin/
# Calculate editing level for each gene and each editng site: bin/
4.4 Classification of unmapped reads
## Classify unmapped reads with kraken2
kraken2 --db {kraken2db} --unclassified-out {outprefix} --report {report} --paired --use-names {unmapped_1} {unmapped_2}
## Summarize kraken2 result
## Genus level data was used for classification
python bin/ -i {report} -l {taxoLevel} -o {output}
5.1 Filtering
Gene expression data: retained genes with CPM > 2 for more than 50% of samples in at least one class
bin/ -i {input} -o {output} --stratify metadata/sample_classes.txt --proportion 0.5 --stratify_key label --threshold 2 --pass_gene_ids {detected_gene} --method by_value
PSI scores and PDUI scores: in each class, the values of more than 80% of samples should not be null
python bin/ --input {input} -o {output} --stratify metadata/sample_classes.txt --stratify_key label --collapse intersection --pass_gene_ids passed-ids.txt --proportion 0.8 --method by_na
RNA editing level: genes with more than 50% of samples with fewer than 6 reads supporting the editing level calculation were filtered out.
bin/ --input {coverage-by-gene} -o {coverage-by-gene-filtered} --stratify metadata/sample_classes.txt --stratify_key label --collapse intersection --pass_gene_ids {gene-passed-filter} --threshold 6 --proportion 0.5 --method by_value
5.2 Differential analysis:
For counts data ( expression counts and kraken2 counts ), see default method (edger-glmlrt) in
- –positive-ids/–negative-ids: path of file contain sample ids, one id per line
Rscript bin/differential_expression.R \ -i {input} \ --method edger_glmlrt \ --positive-ids {pos-ids} \ --negative-ids {neg-ids} \ -o {output}
For analysis of ratio based data (psi, PDUI and editing level), see
python bin/ --input {matrix} --output {diff-table} --pos_ids {pos-ids} --neg_ids {neg-ids}